C'mon ye children let's
learn the alphbet, yay. A! B! C! D!
E! F! G! H! I! J! K! !
P! O! R! 7!
Wow! You're good sammy, you speaketh the
alphabet with a lot of increadabble accuracy. I wish I
were as triumphantly convo-luted as thou, Sammy.(ooeerrr, nat, nat , natter, grrr.) I really wish I was so stunningly
speakething the word. Then it could be a really good
bitch. Like,washing. Or, cleaning.
Yay! I can. A,B,D,5,C! I am truly a king of the mountain yes.
Yes, I am a revolutionary bird, (c'est une petit)----->laaar, etc... 1 2 3