On June 6th I had a great time in Norfolk with some fabulous musicians, namely Sister Jones and Mike
Oldfield and Freddy Star and Jean Michel Jarre and Ouf-Ouf-Burd-Burd and Silent Fraud Master Point Seven and Mr. Jenkins The
Great Crusader of Islam.
We played the harp, lyre, and six stringed saxafone, and just generally had a marvellous time. It was. A.
Above is a picture created there, under the spiritual guidiance of the music.
Truly, it was a remarkable time in my humble minute life; music is definately something that can bring humans
together, famous or otherwise; poor, rich, small, big, male, female, black, white, brown, yellow, green, red, sensitive, sophisticated,
simple, paper, wool, camera, gri-gri, elephant-grapes, fruit-sickle-corn, a, b, u
, 4, k, k, k, d, g, q, 1, 4, 0ldfdfsadf gf t5 t gfc c.
"Under the most merciful, most wonderous, most amazing, most good and nice Allah, whether
you are a servant or free-man, you are all one in the name of my Master (PBUH), named after somebody, named indeed, for
it is written, quite so." -Gri-Gri 3:67-90. Praise!
resemble a FAT ho-ho you're StiLL AND THEm some who are they ? I am no so sure myself,
James The.
DIDNT YOU JUST LOVE IT (when it was it).